BC: The Curious Case of Donovan Cavers

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/10/29

Ever wonder why politicians and bureaucrats do stupid things like "triple delete" email? Sometimes it's because they're emailing and texting stupid comments.

Meet Donovan Cavers, councillor in the City of Kamloops. Kamloops This Week has used the Freedom of Information Act to uncover a bunch of immature, snide, swearing texts and emails sent by Cavers to Kamloops officials. It's not a pretty picture of someone supposed to be leading a community:

  • rips a staffer for having investments (as if it's a crime to invest money)
  • swears at said staffer
  • when gently rebuffed by the mayor, doubles down: “F–k professionalism when it come to an OPEN PIT MINE IMMEDIATELY BESIDE PACIFIC WAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!!!”
  • He apologized the next day, but is still sniping. Explained the mayor: "this was back in August and it hasn’t exactly been quiet on that front in the last little while.”
  • Sat in a council meeting wearing a "Heave Steve" shirt with a cartoon picture of Stephen Harper
  • Stormed out of a meeting when he lost a vote
  • Ripped the mayor in texts to other councillors: “I often doubt that he still has passion for the job,” Cavers wrote. And, a few texts later: “Peter always just seems to take the ‘easy way out’ whatever the situation is . . . my perception.”
  • Refused to answer calls, emails or social media contacts from the newspaper on this story

Look, no one is perfect. And when there's an issue that someone is passionate about, things can run hot. But city councillors should be conducting themselves professionally and maturely. Donovan Cavers isn't. And that will actually weaken his ability to build consensus on the issues important to him. If you support Cavers' stands, I'd suggest you talk to him about how to act like a grownup - as all he's doing now is making it harder for others to agree with him.

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Franco Terrazzano
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